Common Causes of Hair Loss in Women [2023]

Common Causes of Hair Loss in Women: Hair loss was mistakenly thought to be strictly a male disease. Female hair loss can be devastating and embarrassing. Whether you’re just starting to experience hair loss or are in the most advanced stages, Apollo Experts in Hair Loss can help you. Hair loss can be temporary or permanent, but identifying the source can help with the emotional stress that goes with hair loss. The psychological damage caused by hair loss can be devastating and directly affect your physical health. Women lose their hair for many reasons, such as: hormone imbalances, pregnancy, radiation, chemotherapy treatments, genetics, or some medications.

Common Causes of Hair Loss in Women

Common Causes of Hair Loss in Women

The following are common reasons why women lose their hair:

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Alopecia, Hair follicles are mistakenly attacked by a person’s own immune system. It can be a small bald patch or a complete body loss. There are different stages of alopecia, which are called Alopecia Areata, Alopecia Totalis, and Alopecia Universalis.

Alopecia Areata is the start of hair loss. This condition does not affect the whole scalp, but rather starts out more localized to one area of the scalp. The hair loss that accompanies Alopecia Areata typically has the appearance of a circle and is soft to the touch. There could be one area on the head that has hair loss, or there could be small amounts of hair loss throughout a person’s scalp.

Alopecia Totalis is when a person loses all of their hair on their scalp. A person could start out with total hair loss on their head, or they could start out with Alopecia Areata, and then it can start to cause the majority of hair on a person’s scalp to completely thin and fall out.

Alopecia Universalis is the loss of all hair on the scalp and body. Just like in the cases of Alopecia Totalis, a person can start out with slight hair loss on their scalp and then it can begin to affect a person’s full body. Unfortunately, this is the most severe type of alopecia a person can have.

Chemotherapy Hair Loss—Powerful chemotherapy drugs can attack your hair roots and cause a little hair loss or total hair loss on your scalp and body. Not all chemotherapy medications cause total hair loss. The extent of your hair loss while taking chemotherapy medications depends on the person’s dosage of their medicine. Sometimes, if the chemotherapy medication does not cause total hair loss but rather more sporadic hair loss, a person may end up deciding to shave their head so that they can get a hair treatment such as a wig that can help make them feel and look more natural.

When someone loses their hair because of chemotherapy, it usually starts to grow back after their treatments are done. Eventually, they may not need to wear wigs or get hair treatments anymore.This is more of a temporary fix to help the person continue to have a more normal appearance while they are going through their rough time of chemotherapy. In some cases, a person’s health insurance will help with the cost that comes with buying wigs or hair treatments, so that is something to look into as a customer.

Traction Hair Loss: In most cases, this type of hair loss is caused by the way women style their hair over a period of time. Typically, you see this type of hair loss in women who put their hair up in a way that pulls at their hair roots. A lot of times, women do not realize that doing their hair in certain ways can actually take a negative toll on their hair. If a person continues to do their hair in styles that put stress on their hair roots, it can actually cause long-term hair damage and loss.

Fine, Thinning Hair: Physical and emotional stress can both contribute to fine, limp hair.Hormone Imbalances, Thyroid Disorders, Deficiencies, Diseases, and Genetics can also play a role in hair loss.

Menopausal Hair Loss: The body goes through numerous physical changes during menopause, and as a result, women have a tendency to lose their hair.

Hormonal Hair Loss: This is due to hormonal imbalances in a woman’s hormones. This type of hair loss is seen in a lot of pregnant women. Hormonal hair loss does not necessarily just affect pregnant women, but women who are in a state of hormonal imbalance for many different reasons. Sometimes medication can help a person with this type of hair loss.

Trichotillomania is a disorder that involves irresistible urges to pull out hair from different parts of your body, such as your scalp, eyebrows, or other areas of your body. For some people, it may be mild and manageable, and for others, it may be very compulsive and overwhelming.

Female Pattern Baldness is the most common type of hair loss in women. The hair follicle shrinks overtime, resulting in shorter and finer hair.  This can be caused by aging or a family history of female pattern baldness.

Whatever the reason, Apollo Experts in Hair Loss can help you. Please contact us to schedule a free consultation so we can learn more about you and provide you with beautiful hair that will make you smile and be confident again.

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